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Breaking of Bread
Sunday School

Our Services

If you are a visitor to our local church, you are welcome at any service to sit in the visitors section so you can observe and listen without obligation. You will not be asked to participate or to give a donation. We have a break time from 12-12:30pm when we can meet and greet one another over coffee and snacks!

Breaking of Bread

The purpose is to remember the person (His character) and work (what He accomplished by dying on the cross). We have this weekly remembrance of our Lord based on His command to "do this in remembrance of Me" and we follow the example of Christians historically as recorded in the Bible  that "upon the first day of the week... the [early Christians] came together to break bread."


Word Ministry

There will be public teaching message given from the Bible to encourage and exhort the Christians and build them up in their faith.


Sunday School

Around 11:30 p.m. the children are divided up into classes by age, just like in school. Teachers will then give an interactive lesson where students are encouraged to ask questions and to contribute their thoughts. We sing with the children for 15 minutes enforcing moral lessons from the Bible.


Gospel Service

We would love for you to attend our Sunday gospel service that is held in main auditorium. An evangelistic message is preached – highlighting the Bible’s call to all to repent and personally receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. After the service, please feel free to ask any questions you might have.  All are welcome!


Bible Study

The Bible study is a meeting of two halves – first prayer, then systematic Bible study/teaching. Bible studies are introduced by an overview of the topic or chapter, followed by a detailed discussion. Bible teaching takes the form of exposition of a Bible chapter or topic. Men who are in the fellowship of our local assembly will be leading and contributing to the meeting.

Gospel Service
Bible Study

First time? We suggest coming for a gospel service!

Walnut Street Gospel Hall

We are a group of Christians who gather as a local church in Saugus, Massachusetts and we seek to follow the biblical pattern of fellowship and outreach in all our activities.


Phone: 781-233-5570

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© 2023 by Walnut Street Gospel Hall

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